Bookmarks - ASP.NET Core + Angular 2 template for Visual Studio
Dev Machine Setup
Follow this instruction to create basic application:
Deployment Server Setup
- Install .NET Core 1.0.1 Runtime: go to and download Windows (Server Hosting) - .NET Core Installer.
- Install Node.JS and restart the server.
- Set up the website and app pool. The app pool is better be set to “No Managed Code”.
Packaging and Deployment
VS 2015 ASP.NET Core project uses .xproj
, not .csproj
. This works fine with MSBuild /t:clean
and /t:build
Compiling the solution with .xproj:
$solutionPath = "$source_dir\$projectName.sln"
& "$base_dir\tools\nuget.exe" restore $solutionPath
msbuild /t:clean /v:q /nologo /p:Configuration=$projectConfig $solutionPath
msbuild /t:build /v:q /nologo /p:Configuration=$projectConfig $solutionPath
But it raises error on /t:package
, complaining that it cannot find (your project name).csproj
. The solution is to use dotnet.exe
, which is used by Visual Studio when it publishes.
Main link to follow:
Packaging command should change like this: (using PowerShell)
$projectConfig = "Release"
$webProjectPath = "$source_dir\$projectName\$projectName.csproj"
& msbuild /t:package /v:q /nologo /p:"Configuration=$projectConfig;PackageLocation=$package_dir\msdeploy\$" $webProjectPath
$projectConfig = "Release"
$webProjectDir = "$source_dir\$projectName"
& "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" publish "$webProjectDir" --framework netcoreapp1.0 --output "$package_dir\web" --configuration $projectConfig
Now deployment is to stop the website, copy over the content of $package_dir\web
, and then start the website.
One thing I couldn’t figure out
When nuget.exe restore runs interactively, it restores ASP.NET Core files on Nuget cache (C:\Users\username\.nuget\packages
), such as microsoft.aspnetcore.angularservices
, along with other dependencies. But when Jenkins runs the same command, it restores other dependencies on C:\windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.nuget\packages
but not ASP.NET Core files. As a result, $package_dir\web
does not contain any dotnet core related files and web app fails to run.
Similar question was asked here but it says that bug was resolved.
A workaround is to copy all the missing dependencies from C:\Users\username\.nuget\packages
to C:\windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.nuget\packages
manually. Once I did that, everything worked fine.