Walkthrough - Ionic Framework, Barcode Scanner, Android, iOS


  1. Build BarCode Scanner application on iOS and Android platforms.
  2. Use cordova and ionic framework.
  3. Use windows 8 64bit for Android development.
  4. Use OSX for iOS development.
  5. Keep the source code on bitbucket.org as Git. It must be sharable between windows and OSX.

Before Starting…

  • Cordova is engine. Phonegap is Adobe’s productized package that wraps Cordova.
  • Ionic Framework is comparable to Phonegap. It is built upon Cordova. It lays AngularJS framework for www content and use Angular directive to support ionic-specific directives.
  • www folder content is generic across platform.
  • When you install platform it contains path information which is OS-specific. (unix style vs DOS style) So you need to decide which OS to use per each platform.

Step 1: Install Android environment on Windows

  1. Install JDK 7 or later. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html
  2. Install Android SDK. Let’s say we did on C:\Programs\Android\android-sdk. http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html?hl=sk
  3. Execute C:\Programs\Android\android-sdk\AVD Manager.exe and create one Android Virtual Device.
  4. Make sure Environment Variables are set properly.

System Variables:

  • ANDROID_HOME: C:\Programs\Android\android-sdk\tools
  • JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_40 (or wherever you installed)
  • PATH should include: C:\Programs\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\Programs\Android\android-sdk\tools;

Step 2: Install Cordova and Ionic Framework on Windows

  1. Install nodejs for npm. http://nodejs.org/
  2. Install ant.
  3. Launch Command Prompt and run this. http://ionicframework.com/docs/guide/installation.html
npm install -g cordova gulp ionic plugman
  1. Build initial app
C:\Repositories>ionic start MyApp blank
C:\Repositories>cd MyApp
C:\Repositories\MyApp>cordova platform add android
C:\Repositories\MyApp>cordova emulate android

You should see Ionic Blank Starter screen on Android Virtual Device window.

Step 3: Test MyApp on Android device

  1. Connect Android device to Windows 8 computer on USB port.
  2. On Android device, enable USB Debugging.
  3. On Windows 8 computer, run the following.
C:\Repositories\MyApp>cordova emulate android --device

You should see Ionic Blank Starter on your Android device.

Step 4: Add Barcode Scanner plugin for android platform

  1. Install BarcodeScanner on android platform.
C:\Repositories\MyApp>plugman install --plugins_dir plugins --platform android --project platforms/android --plugin https://github.com/wildabeast/BarcodeScanner
  1. Modify index.html.
<body ng-app="starter">

    <div ng-controller="MainController">
        <button id="startScan" class="button button-positive" ng-click="scan()">
        <div id="results" ng-bind="results" />
  1. Add js/MainController.js
"use strict";

    MainController: ['$scope', 
        function ($scope) {
            $scope.results = "result here.";

            $scope.scan = function () {
		            function (result) {
		                $scope.results = JSON.stringify(result);
		            function (error) {
		                alert("Scanning failed: " + error);
  1. Test
C:\Repositories\MyApp>cordova emulate android --device

You should see Scan button on your Android device.

Step 5: Debugging Android Device from Windows

  1. Install weinre (WEb INspector REmote).
npm install -g weinre
  1. Add INTERNET permission on MyApp\platforms\android\AndroidManifest.xml.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<manifest ...>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  1. Launch weinre server.
    • Put local IP address using –boundHost.
    • If 8080 is occupied, you can change it with –httpPort. * Parameters are case sensitive. If you put incorrect case, it won’t raise error but just ignore the setting.
weinre --httpPort 8081 --boundHost
  1. Add one line on index.html.
    <script src=""></script>
  1. Open browser window for
  2. Launch the app on Android device. The browser window is linked to the Android device.

Step 6: Commit MyApp to BitBucket.org from Windows

  1. Install git. http://git-scm.com/downloads
  2. Got to BitBucket.org and create a git repo called MyApp.
  3. Run the following.
C:\Repositories\MyApp>git init
C:\Repositories\MyApp>git add .
C:\Repositories\MyApp>git commit -m "init"
C:\Repositories\MyApp>git remote add origin https://kennethc@bitbucket.org/kennethc/myapp.git
C:\Repositories\MyApp>git push -u origin --all
(Type Your Password)

Step 7: Run it from OSX

  1. Install git.
  2. Install nodejs.
  3. Install cordova, ionic, ios-deploy (launch the app on iOS device), ios-sim (launch the app on iOS simulator), and plugman.
npm install -g cordova ionic ios-deploy ios-sim plugman
  1. Get the code from BitBucket.
git clone https://kennethc@bitbucket.org/kennethc/myapp.git
  1. Open XCode, connect iOS device to OSX machine, and select “Use for development” using XCode Organizer. https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/recipes/xcode_help-devices_organizer/articles/provision_device_for_development-generic.html

  2. Add ios platform, and run from iOS device.

cd myapp
cordova platform add ios
cordova emulate ios --device
  1. Debugging works fine with weinre, but you can also use Safari’s Web Inspector. http://phonegap-tips.com/articles/debugging-ios-phonegap-apps-with-safaris-web-inspector.html
Written on May 12, 2014