Using Bootstrap LESS on ASP.NET MVC Project

There are two ways I tried for using Bootstrap LESS.

Option 1: Use dotless

Downside: dotless does not understand &:extend() syntax, which is used in 3.1.x bootstrap.

Option 2: Use V8 Engine

Downside: this approach can compile 3.1.x bootstrap, but does not work on GoDaddy windows web hosting environment. I don’t have details of issues with me for the moment.

Problem with GoDaddy was deal breaker for me, so I had to use Bootstrap 3.0.3. You can install prior version of Bootstrap by running command on the Tools => NuGet Package Manager => Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package twitter.bootstrap.less -ProjectName YourProjectName -Version 3.0.3
Written on April 22, 2014